What to Do if Your Dog Has Fleas

By Team Pawviva

Fleas: Every dog owner's nightmare. No one wants to see their furry friend scratching, itching, or uncomfortable, yet these tiny parasites can easily invade your dog's world. So, what to do if your dog has fleas? This comprehensive guide provides actionable steps, recommended treatments, and preventive measures to ensure your dog---and home---are flea-free.

Key Takeaways

  • Identify the symptoms of flea infestations
  • Choose the right flea treatment for your dog
  • Apply preventive measures for long-term relief
  • Understand when to seek veterinary help
  • Learn how to de-flea your living environment

Identifying Fleas: Signs and Symptoms

Spotting the Symptoms\
The first step to combating fleas is identifying their presence. Fleas can make your dog restless. You'll often see your dog scratching, biting, or licking themselves excessively. Fleas particularly love the warm and hidden areas like the groin, armpits, and behind the ears.

Confirming the Infestation\
Perform a flea check by parting your dog's fur to see the skin. Fleas are small, dark, and fast, so you might also spot 'flea dirt,' which are dark specks that turn red when you place them on a wet paper towel. This is essentially digested blood and a surefire indicator of a flea problem.

Choosing the Right Treatment

Topical Solutions and Oral Medications\
When it comes to treatment, you have several options. Topical solutions are applied directly to the skin and usually last for about a month. Oral medications are pills that can kill fleas within a few hours but might not provide long-term prevention. Always consult your veterinarian to find the best fit for your dog.

Shampoos and Sprays\
Flea shampoos can provide immediate relief but don't offer lasting protection. Sprays can be applied directly onto your dog or around the environment. Remember, it's crucial to read all labels and instructions to ensure you're applying the right dosage and frequency.

Implementing Preventive Measures

Year-round Flea Control\
The best way to deal with fleas is to prevent them in the first place. Year-round flea control products are available and should be part of your regular dog care regimen.

Environmental Measures\
Additionally, regular vacuuming and washing your pet's bedding can make a significant difference. Keep your yard clean; fleas love tall grass and shrubbery where they can jump onto passing animals, including your dog.

The Pawviva Advantage: Preventative Flea, Tick, and Heartworm Treatments

Our Products for Comprehensive Protection\
When you're dealing with flea problems, prevention is the ultimate solution. At Pawviva, we offer top-tier products like NexGard Chewables, NexGard Spectra, Frontline Plus, and Revolution that are specifically designed to protect your pet from fleas, ticks, and even heartworms. The best part? You can get these without a vet prescription, making pet care not just effective but also convenient and affordable.

Introducing PawPass: The Ultimate Pet Care Subscription\
We know how important ongoing care is when it comes to keeping your pet flea-free. That's why we're thrilled to introduce PawPass, our new recurring order service. When you choose to order with PawPass, you'll enjoy a whopping 35% off your first order and 5% off all future orders. This ensures that you never run out of the essential treatments your pet needs to stay healthy, while also making it more cost-effective for you.

De-Flea Your Living Environment

Interior Cleaning\
Your fight against fleas should extend to your living environment as well. Wash all bedding, upholstery, and carpeting where your pet has been. Vacuum thoroughly, especially under furniture and hidden corners.

Exterior Measures\
For outdoor areas, consider yard sprays designed to kill fleas. Make sure they are safe for pets and follow all application instructions carefully.

FAQs About Dog Fleas

Can fleas transfer to humans?\
Yes, while fleas prefer non-human hosts, they can bite humans too.

How soon will my dog stop scratching after treatment?\
This varies from dog to dog and the effectiveness of the treatment, but you should notice a reduction in scratching within a day or two.

How often should I treat my dog for fleas?\
This depends on the treatment; some last a month while others might be more short-term. Always follow the guidelines provided by your vet or the product's instructions.


Dealing with a flea infestation can be taxing, both emotionally and physically. However, identifying the signs early, opting for the right treatment, and applying preventive measures can save you and your dog from undue distress. Remember, consult your vet for any persistent or severe flea problems.

Frequently asked questions